June 28-9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Capital Flows and Crises
Jeanne Olivier, IMF
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, Princeton University
On the Benefits of Capital Account Liberalization
Philippe Martin, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Helene Rey, Princeton University
Financial Globalization and Emerging Markets: With or Without Crash
Sergio Schmukler, World Bank
Graciela L. Kaminsky, George Washington University
Short-Run Pain, Long-Run Gain: The Effects of Financial Liberalization
Estimation and Solution of Dynamic Models
Noah Williams, Princeton University
Small Noise Asymptotics for a Stochastic Growth Model
Mark Huggett, Georgetown University
When are Comparative Dynamics Monotone?
Manuel Santos, Arizona State University
Simulation and Estimation of Dynamic Economic Models
The Stock Market and Macroeconomics
Dmitriy Stolyarov, University of Michigan
John Laitner, University of Michigan
Technological Change and the Stock Market
Rody Manuelli, University of Wisconsin
Technological Change, The Labor Market and the Stock Market
Janice Eberly, Kellogg School of Management,
Northwestern University
Andrew B. Abel, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Q for the Long Run
Vincenzo Quadrini, New York University
Urban Jermann, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Stock Market Boom and Economic Expansion
Heterogeneity in Macroeconomics
Pedro Amaral, University of Minnesota
Consequences of Turbulence and Heterogeneity in Ability to
Learn For Wage Inequality
Jonas Fisher, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
A Real Explanation for Heterogeneous Investment Dynamics
Christian Zimmermann, CREFE/UQAM and Bank of Canada
Martin Berka, University of British Columbia
Financial Intermediation with Heterogeneous Agents:
Transitional Dynamics and Policy Responses
Paul Gomme, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Measuring the Welfare Costs of Inflation in a Life-Cycle Model
Technological Change and the Firm
Rajshree Agarwal, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
April Franco, University of Iowa, and MB Sarkar and Raj Echambadi, University of Central Florida
Knowledge Transfer Through Inherited Learning:
Spin-out Generation, Growth and Survival
Peter Rousseau, Vanderbilt University
Boyan Jovanovic, University of Chicago and New York University
The Q-Theory of Mergers
Vivek Ghosal, Georgia Institute of Technology
Impact of Uncertainty and Sunk Costs on Firm Survival
and Industry Dynamics
Monetary Economics I
Braz Camargo, University of Pennsylvania
Luis Araujo, University of Pennsylvania
Monetary Equilibrium with Decentralized Trade and Learning
Aleksander Berentsen, University of Basel
Guillaume Rocheteau, Australian National University
Properties of Money: A Mechanism Design Approach
Gabriele Camera, Purdue University
F. Vesely, Purdue University
End of Days: Trading Horizons and the Value of Money
Neil Wallace, Penn State
Bruce Champ, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Resolving the National Banking System Note-Issue Paradox
Optimal Policy
Aysegul Sahin, University of Rochester
The Rotten Kid at College: The Incentive Effects of Higher Education Subsidies on Student Achievement
Thomas Renström, Wallis Institute,
University of Rochester and CEPR
Parantap Basu, Fordham University
Indivisible Labor and Optimal Dynamic Taxation
Juan Cordoba, Rice University
Optimal Taxation with Collateral Constraints
Luisa Fuster, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Andres Erosa, Universitat Autonoma of Barcelona, and Diego Restuccia, University of Toronto
A General Equilibrium Analysis of Parental Leave Policies
Dynamic Games
William Sandholm, University of Wisconsin
Negative Externalities and Evolutionary Implementation
Sandroni Alvaro, University of Rochester
Markets Favor Bayesian Estimators over Maximum Likelihood Estimators
In-Koo Cho, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Akihiko Matsui, University of Tokyo
Aspiration and Cooperation in Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma
George Mailath, University of Pennsylvania
Martin Cripps, Olin School of Business, Washinton University, and Larry Samuelson, University of Wisconsin
Imperfect Monitoring and Impermanent Reputations
Human Capital
Martin Schindler, University of Pennsylvania
Human Capital and Labor Market Policy
Holger Sieg, Carnegie Mellon University
Dennis Epple, Carnegie-Mellon University, and
Richard Romano, University of Florida
Admission, Tuition and Financial Aid Policies in the Market of Higher Education: Theory and Evidence
Marcelle Chauvet, University of California Riverside
Krishna B. Kumar, University of Southern California
Evaluating the Role of Human Capital in Economic Development
Alexander Monge, Northwestern University
Human Capital, Organizations and Foreign Direct Investment |