June 28�3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
International Monetary Theory
Christopher J. Waller (Ben Craig)
Currency Portfolios and Nominal Exchange Rates in a Dual Currency Search Economy
Brian Peterson
Endogenous Liquidiy, Currency Flows, and Currency Substitution
Gabriele Camera (Taehwan Yoo)
Exchange Rate Determination in a Search Model of Money
Luca Dedola
International Monetary Cooperation in a Discretionary World
Econometrics I
Franck Portier (Clémentine Florens)
Disantangling Impulse and Propagation Effects of Monetary Shock: theory and application using Mixed Frequency Data
Paolo Giordani
An alternative explanation of the price puzzle
Juan F Rubio-Ramirez (Pau Rabanal)
Wage- and price-setting differences for the OCDE economies. A likelihood analysis.
Thomas A. Lubik (Frank Schorfheide)
Econometric Evaluation of Monetary Policy Rules with an Open Economy DSGE Model
Revolutions: Industrial and Otherwise
Nancy Stokey
A Quantitative Model of the British Industrial Revolution, 1780-1850
Benjamin Bridgman
Ethnic Diversity and Civil War
Thomas F. Cooley (Mehmet Yorukoglu)
The New Economy: Some Macroeconomic Implications of an Information Age
Marriage and Fertility
Nezih Guner (Raquel Fernandez, John Knowles)
Love and Money: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Household Sorting and Inequality
Emiko Usui
Characteristics of Predominantly Female Jobs: Are they Good or Bad Jobs?
Michele Tertilt
The Effects of Family Structure and Property Rights on Fertility: The Case of sub-Saharan Africa
Nils-Petter Lagerloef
Sex, Equality, and Growth (in that order)
Dynamic Contracts
Harold Cole (Narayana Kocherlakota)
Finite Memory and Imperfect Monitoring
Urs Haegler
Recursive Mechanisms and Costly Storage Audits to Insure Privately Informed Agents
Hugo Hopenhayn (Ivan Werning)
Default in optimal lending contracts
Sevin Yeltekin (Christopher Sleet)
Monetary Policy, Private Information and Reputation
Labor Market Policy: Theory and Practice
Damien Gaumont (Cuong Le Van)
Unemployment Benefits and the Phillips Loops
Javier Ortega
Work-Sharing, Working-Time Rigidities, and Efficiency
Eva Nagypal
Fixed-term contracts in Europe: a reassessment in light of the importance of job-specific learning
Roberto M. Samaniego
Regulation and the Diffusion of Information Technology
The Role of Education
Krishna B. Kumar (Dirk Krueger)
Eurosclerosis: What Role Does Education Play?
Xavier Mateos-Planas (Xavier Cuadras-Morato)
Education, Wages, and Unemployment in a Matching Model of the Labor Market
Pierre Dubois (Elisabeth Sadoulet and Alain de Janv)
Effects on School Enrollment and Performance of a Conditional Transfers Program in Mexico
Juuso Vanhala
Technological Skill-Mismatch and Search Unemployment
Issues in Public Finance
Gerhard Glomm (Daiji Kawaguchi)
Green Taxes and Double Dividends in a Dynamic Economy
Kirk White
Changes in U.S. Wealth Inequality 1983-1989: The role of the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
Michael Sadler (Scott Freeman)
Capital Taxation, Inheritance Taxation, and Intergenerational Mobility
Huberto Ennis (Todd Keister)
Optimal Policy with Probabilistic Equilibrium Selection |