June 29�1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
International Trade
Kei-Mu Yi (M. Ayhan Kose)
Can Trade Theory Help Us Understand the Linkages Between International Trade and Business Cycles?
Marco Maffezzoli (Alejandro Cunat)
Growth and Interdependence under Complete Specialization
Rui Castro
Economic Development under Alternative Trade Regimes
Claustre Bajona (Josh Ederington)
Should trade agreements include environmental and labor standards?
Monetary Theory: Payments and Transactions
Stephen Williamson
Payments Systems and Monetary Policy
Warren Weber
Interbank Payments Relationships in the Antebellum United States: Evidence from Pennsylvania
William Roberds (Charles M. Kahn and Jamie McAndrews)
A Theory of Transactions Privacy
James Bullard (Bruce Smith)
The Value of Inside and Outside Money
Optimal Fiscal Policy
Pedro Teles (Isabel Correia and Juan Pablo Nicolini)
Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy: Results on Tax Smoothing
Isabel Correia (Juan Pablo Nicolini and Pedro Teles)
Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy: Equivalence Results
Begoña Dominguez
Reputation in a Model with a Limited Debt Structure
Juan Carlos Conesa (Dirk Krueger)
On the Optimal Progressivity of the Income Tax Code
Unemployment I
Asa Rosen (Espen R. Moen)
Incentive contracts and unemployment
James Albrecht (Susan Vroman)
Equilibrium Search with Time-Varying Unemployment Benefits
Pietro Garibaldi (Etienne Wasmer)
Unattachment to the Labor Market
Marcel Jansen
Job Creation and Job Destruction with Non-Contractible Effort
Political Economy II
Cesar Martinelli
Convergence Results for Unanimous Voting
Alessandro Lizzeri (Nicola Persico)
Franchise Expansion
Andrea Moro (Matt Mitchell)
Efficient Government Mandates
Industrial Organization: Market Structure
Thomas Holmes (Gautam Gowrisankaran)
Do Mergers Lead To Monopoly in the Long Run? Results From the Dominant Firm Model
Markus M. Mobius
Death through Success: The Rise and Fall of Local Service Competition at the Turn of the Century
Luis Cabral
Increasing dominance with no efficiency effect
Susanna Esteban (Matthew Shum)
Measuring Market Power in a Durable Goods Oligopoly: the Automobile Market
International Capital Flows
Gianluca Violante (Orazio Attanasio)
The demographics transition in closed and open economy
Jordan Rappaport
How Does Openness to Capital Flows Affect Growth?
Yong Jin Kim
Borrowing Constraints and Technology Adoption
Ayse Imrohoroglu (Krishna Kumar)
Capital Flows
Financial Puzzles
Ellen McGrattan (Ed Prescott)
Taxes, Regulations, and Asset Prices
Burton Hollifield (Richard Green)
The Personal Tax Advantages of Equity
John Coleman (Ravi Bansal and Magnus Dahlquist)
The Forward Premium Puzzle in a Model with Traded and Non-Traded Goods
Annette Vissing-Jorgensen (Tobias J. Moskowitz)
The Private Equity Premium Puzzle |