Society for Economic Dynamics Program

2001 Annual Meeting

June 28 – 30, 2001
Stockholm School of Economics and Stockholm University

Stockholm, Sweden

June 28 Session I

June 28 Session II

June 28 Session III

June 29 Session I

June 29 Session II

June 29 Session III

June 30 Session I

June 30 Session II

June 30 Session III

June 30�9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

International Puzzles and Nominal Rigidities

Paul Bergin
Putting the “New International Macroeconomics” to a Test

Thepthida Sopraseuth (Jean-Olivier Hairault)
Monetary Shocks and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics

Gianluca Benigno
Real Exchange Rate Persistence with Monetary Policy Rules

Koichi Yoshimine (Don Schlagenhauf)
Do We Have a Unified Explanation to the Six Major Puzzles in International Economics?


Optimal Monetary Policy II

Andy Neumeyer (Fernando Alvarez)
Time Consistency of Monetary and Fiscal Policy: New Results

Seppo Honkapohja (George W. Evans)
Expectations and the stability problem for optimal monetary policies

Guenter Beck (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe)
Learning, stabilization and credibility: optimal monetary policy in a changing economy

Andreas Hornstein (Michael Dotsey)
Optimal Time-Consistent Monetary Policy in an Economy with State-Contingent Sticky Prices


Money and Search I

Andrei Shevchenko (Randall Wright)
Partial Acceptability of Money in the Model with Heterogeneous Agents

Agostino Manduchi
Money in Search Equilibrium with Costly Information

Aleksander Berentsen (Guillaume Rocheteau)
On Money and Lemons

Saqib Jafarey (Adrian Masters)
Output, Prices and the Velocity of Money in Search Equilibrium


Labor and Search I

Eric Smith
Temporary Employment in the Presence of Re-advertising

Rasmus Lentz (Torben Tranaes)
Job Search and Savings: Wealth Effects and Duration Dependence

Ramya Sundaram
Does Increased Meeting Frequency lead to Increased Specialization?

George R. Neumann (Bent Jesper Christiansen, Dale T. Mortensen)
On the Job Search and the Wage Distribution


Game Theory

Mary A. Burke (Kislaya Prasad)
An Evolutionary Model of Debt

Karl Werneryd (Susanne Lohmann, Jorg Oechssler)
Evolution and the Social DilemmaSusan Lee
Can Assortative Interactions Support Cooperation?


Industrial Organization II

Andrzej Skrzypacz (Hugo Hopenhayn)
Bidding rings in Repeated Auctions

Matthew Mitchell (Tom Holmes)
Did Numerically Controlled Machines Affect Wages in US manufacturing?

Mariassunta Giannetti
Risk Sharing and Firm Size: Theory and International Evidence

Jose M. Plehn-Dujowich
Innovation, Firm Size, and Occupational Choice



Charles T. Carlstrom (Tim Fuerst)
The Role of Investment Spending in Sticky Price Models

Peter Rupert (Paul Gomme and Finn Kydland)
Patterns of Investment Over the Cycle

Filippo Occhino
Heterogeneous Investment Behavior and the Persistence of the Liquidity Effect.

Joao Miguel Ejarque (Russell Cooper)
Exhuming Q: Market Power vs.Capital Market Imperfections


Theories of Banking I

Pamela Labadie
Ricardian Equivalence in a General Equilibrium Banking Model

Tor Jacobson (Jesper Linde, Kaspar Roszback, Kenneth Carling)
Credit Risks in the Banking Industry

Emre Ergungor
Judicial Limits on Banks’ Discretionary Powers: Should Discretionary Loan Commitments Be Enforceable?

Joe Haubrich (Rong Fan, Peter Ritchken, James Thomson)
Getting the Most Out of a Mandatory Subordinated Debt Requirement


Business Cycles Over Time

Gary D. Hansen (Andres Arias and Lee Ohanian)
Why Have Business Cycle Fluctuations Become Less Volatile?

Gwen Eudey (Norman Morin)
Non-linearities and International Business Cycles

Raimundo Soto
Monetary Policy and Economic Cycles in a Regime Switching Model with Time-Varying Transitions

James A. Kahn (Margaret M. McConnell and Gabriel Perez Quiros)
The Reduced Volatility of the U.S. Economy: Policy or Progress