Letter from the Coordina

Dear readers and authors:

I am writing with some updates on the editorial organization and processes at the Review of Economic Dynamics.

Editorial members 

The current editorial board is:

Editors: M. BassettoM. De NardiM. DoepkeG. GanciaM. Iacoviello, L. Karabarbounis (Coordinating), D. LagakosG. MenzioE. SchaalT. Schoellman.

Associate Editors:  S. AlbanesiM. Azzimonti, Y. BaiD. BergerA. BhandariA. BursteinH. ChadeM. EdenJ. EeckhoutD. FitzgeraldL. GuerrieriR. LentzI. LindenlaubJ. LiseE. LiuM. Mazzocco,  L. PacielloF. Postel-VinayP. Restrepo-EchavarriaL. RudankoK. RuhlA. ShouridehV. SterkJ. ThomasM. TrabandtV. VenkateswarenG. VereshchaginaJ. WielandT Winberry, and C. Zimmermann.

We wish to express our gratitude to Andrea Tambalotti and Pierre-Olivier Weill who stepped down as Editors. Their outstanding contributions and their leadership will be missed.

We are excited to announce two additions to our list of Editors, Guido Menzio and Todd Schoellman, who just started their editorship. We look forward to their contributions to the journal.

We are also excited to announce several new Associate Editors who joined our journal: Luca GuerrieriRasmus LentzIlseLindenlaubErnest Liu, and Thomas Winberry. At the same time, we wish to thank departing Associate Editors, Andrea EisfeldtJennifer La’O, and Chris Tonetti, for their contributions to the journal.

Conflicts of interest  

The RED has established policies ensuring that no conflicts of interest arise when evaluating papers.

  • Referees cannot submit reports for papers written by colleagues, recent coauthors, advisors, advisees, family members, or by authors who have close personal relationships with the referee. Referees are expected to disclose if a conflict arises inadvertently.

  • Editors cannot handle papers written by colleagues, recent coauthors, advisors, advisees, family members, or by authors who have close personal relationships with the Editor. Editors are expected to disclose if a conflict arises inadvertently.

  • Members of the editorial board who submit papers receive evaluations from two Editors. Submissions from members of the editorial board cannot receive a positive outcome unless both Editors independently agree to the positive outcome. Members of the editorial board who submit papers do not learn the identity of one of the handling Editors.

Editorial turnaround statistics  

The RED offers high quality and fast reviews to authors. The table below summarizes our statistics for decisions on first submissions between 06/25/2020 and 10/31/2022:

Average Days to DecisionFraction of Decisions
Total39.9 1.00
Desk Reject0.30.37
Revise & Resubmit76.20.13

Our goal is to make the RED one of the most efficient journals in economics, by targeting a roughly two-month average turnaround for papers that pass the desk and by desk rejecting as soon as an initial evaluation is feasible. I would like to sincerely thank our wonderful referees who continue to offer constructive reports to authors in a timely manner.

Special issue in honor of Thomas Cooley   

I am excited to announce that we are preparing a special issue in honor of Thomas Cooley, who unfortunately passed away last October. Nezih GunerJeremy Greenwood, and Lee Ohanian have agreed to serve as guest editors for the special issue and have put together a very strong program. The papers will be presented in a conference at Santa Barbara in May 2023. We wish to thank Finn Kydland and Peter Rupert at UCSB’s LAEF for hosting the conference.


Loukas Karabarbounis

Coordinating Editor, Review of Economic Dynamics