Review of Economic Dynamics
Special issue on Productivity Growth: A New Era?
Volume 5, Issue 2 (April 2002)
Productivity Growth: A New Era?
by James A. Kahn & Kevin Stiroh
Investment-Specific Technical Change in the US (1947-2000): Measurement and Macroeconomic Consequences
by Jason G. Cummins & Giovanni L. Violante
Is Embodied Technology the Result of Upstream R&D? Industry-Level Evidence
by Daniel J. Wilson
The PC Industry: New Economy or Early Life-Cycle?
by Mariana Mazzucato
Moore’s Law and Learning-By-Doing
by Boyan Jovanovic & Peter L. Rousseau
What Happens When the Technology Growth Trend Changes?: Transition Dynamics, Capital Growth and the ‘New Economy’
by Michael R. Pakko
ICT Investment and Economic Growth in the 1990s: Is the United States a Unique Case? A Comparative Study of Nine OECD Countries
by Alessandra Colecchia & Paul Schreyer
Technology Adoption Costs and Productivity Growth: The Transition to Information Technology
by James Bessen
Comments on James Bessen’s “Technology Adoption Costs and Productivity Growth: The 70’s as a Technology Transition”
by Diego Comin
Technological Change and the Scale of Production
by Matthew Mitchell
Costly Technology Adoption and Capital Accumulation
by Aubhik Khan & B. Ravikumar