Review of Economic Dynamics
Special issue on Misallocation and Productivity
Volume 16, Issue 1 (January 2013)
Misallocation and productivity
by Diego Restuccia & Richard Rogerson
Distortions, Endogenous Managerial Skills and Productivity Differences
by Dhritman Bhattacharya & Nezih Guner & Gustavo Ventura
Computational Appendix
Experimentation by Firms, Distortions, and Aggregate Productivity
by Alain Gabler & Markus Poschke
Factor Market Distortions Across Time, Space, and Sectors in China
by Loren Brandt & Trevor Tombe & Xiadong Zhu
Computational Appendix and Data Files ,Online Appendix
India’s Mysterious Manufacturing Miracle
by Albert Bollard & Peter Klenow & Gunjam Sharma
Computational Appendix and Data Files , Online Appendix
Are China and India Backwards? Evidence from the 19th Century U.S. Census of Manufactures
by Nicolas Ziebarth
Computational Appendix and Data Files
Productivity and Misallocation During a Crisis: Evidence from the Chilean Crisis of 1982
by Ezra Oberfield
Computational Appendix and Data Files, Online Appendix
Misallocation and Productivity Effects of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff
by Eric Bond & Mario Crucini & Joel Rodrigue & Tristan Potter
Computational Appendix and Data Files
Trade and Market Selection: Evidence from Manufacturing Plants in Colombia
by Marcela Eslava & John Haltiwanger & Adriana Kugler & Maurice Kugler
Computational Appendix and Data Files, Online Appendix
Misallocation and Financial Market Frictions: Some Direct Evidence from the Dispersion in Borrowing Costs
by Simon Gilchrist & Jae W. Sim & Egon Zakrajsek
Computational Appendix and Data Files
Financing Constraints, Firm Dynamics, Export Decisions, and Aggregate Productivity
by Andrea Caggese & Vicente Cunat
Computational Appendix and Data Files
Quantifying the Impact of Financial Development on Economic Development
by Jeremy Greenwood & Juan Sanchez & Cheng Wang
Computational Appendix and Data Files, Online Appendix
Well-Intended Policies
by Francisco Buera & Benjamin Moll & Yongseok Shin
Computational Appendix and Data Files