EconomicDynamics Newsletter

Volume 22, Issue 2 (November 2021)

The EconomicDynamics Newsletter is a free supplement to the Review of Economic Dynamics (RED). It is published twice a year in April and November.

Marina Azzimonti and Loukas Karabarbounis, Editors.

In this issue

Society for Economic Dynamics: Call for Papers, 2022 Meeting

The next annual meeting of the Society for Economic Dynamics will be held fully in person from June 28th to June 30th, 2022, in Madison, Wisconsin. We are excited to announce the plenaries by Gita Gopinath, Giuseppe Moscarini and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg. You can now submit your paper for the conference using ConferenceMaker. The deadline for submissions is February 15th, 2022. We are looking forward to receiving many exciting submissions for the academic program!

Yan Bai and Yongseok Shin

SED 2022 Program Co-chairs

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Letter from the President

Dear Colleagues,

It has been a crazy year but I am happy to report that we had an extremely successful summer conference in Minneapolis. With the Barcelona cancellation in 2020, we expanded the program in 2021, with roughly 729 papers in total and 150 in person. We managed to pick dates that coincided with the lowest number of Covid cases recorded for the year. For those of you that missed it, you can see the photos online—there were lots of happy participants that had finally emerged from their year-long lockdowns.

Unfortunately, that low-Covid hiatus was fleeting and we soon received news that Taiwan’s vaccination program would not be complete in time for summer of 2022. Since learning this news, the SED officers—Marina, Erwan, and I—have been planning a backup meeting.  Fortunately, our colleagues from the University of Wisconsin, with Kim Ruhl as the local organizing chair, have stepped up and offered to take on this hugely important assignment of hosting the summer annual meeting.  As Marina announced on our Twitter feed, this year we are planning to have only in person sessions.  The meeting in Taipei will be postponed until 2025 (following Cartagena in 2023 and Barcelona in 2024).

I encourage everyone to keep an eye on our conference website for updates.  For those visiting our site, it should be immediately obvious that Kim and his team at Wisconsin Economics have already done a lot of work behind the scenes.  Dates are now set: June 28 to 30. There is also a link to the local information page with information about transportation to/from Madison, area hotels, and conference logistics in real time—including social events!

The program chairs have also been hard at work. As I announced in the April newsletter, the program chairs for SED 2022 are Yan Bai of the University of Rochester and Yongseok (“Yongs”) Shin of Washington University in St. Louis.  They have set up a committee to help put the conference program together. They have sent out the call for papers. Most importantly, they have recruited three amazing plenary speakers.  I am happy to report that this year we’ll have Gita Gopinath from Harvard, Giuseppe Moscarini from Yale, and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg from Chicago.

In other news, we are planning on having three webinars organized by Ludwig Straub (Harvard), Hanno Lustig (Stanford), and Kyle Herkenhoff (Minnesota) at the ASSA Meetings this year.  As always, I want to thank Larry Christiano for helping oversee our winter meeting sessions.

I want to also thank our SED officers Marina Azzimonti and Erwan Quintin, who have been an enormous help to me.

Finally, we received very sad news of the passing of Tom Cooley in October. Tom was a friend, a colleague, and probably the most important contributor to the Society of Economic Dynamics.  He started the Society journal and was a former President.  And he was a great economist!  We will miss him, but we will not forget him. I hope to honor him and his work at the meeting next year and in a special issue of RED.

I encourage everyone to check out the SED website and twitter account for updates on the ASSA meeting and next summer’s conference.

Ellen McGrattan

President, Society for Economic Dynamics

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Letter from the RED Coordinating Editor

Dear readers and authors:

I am writing with some updates on the editorial organization and processes at the Review of Economic Dynamics.

The current editorial board is:

Editors: M. Bassetto, M. De Nardi, M. Doepke, G. Gancia, M. Iacoviello, L. Karabarbounis (Coordinating), D. Lagakos, E. Schaal, A. Tambalotti, P.-O. Weill.

Associate Editors: S. Albanesi, M. Azzimonti, Y. Bai, D. Berger, A. Bhandari, A. Burstein, H. Chade, M. Eden, J. Eeckhout, A. Eisfeldt, D. Fitzgerald, J. La’O,  J. Lise, M. Mazzocco,  L. Paciello, F. Postel-Vinay, P. Restrepo-Echavarria, L. Rudanko, K. Ruhl, T. Schoellman, A. Shourideh, V. Sterk, J. Thomas, C. Tonetti, M. Trabandt, V. Venkateswaren, G. Vereshchagina, J. Wieland, and C. Zimmermann.

We wish to express our gratitude to Diego Restuccia (Editor) and Lance Lochner (Associate Editor) who stepped down from the editorial board after many years of service to the journal. Their outstanding contributions and their leadership will be missed. We also want to welcome our two newest members, Anmol Bhandari and Maya Eden, who joined us as Associate Editors.

Conflicts of interest.  

The RED has established policies ensuring that no conflicts of interest arise when evaluating papers.

  • Referees cannot submit reports for papers written by colleagues, recent coauthors, advisors, advisees, family members, or by authors who have close personal relationships with the referee. Referees are expected to disclose if a conflict arises inadvertently.

  • Editors cannot handle papers written by colleagues, recent coauthors, advisors, advisees, family members, or by authors who have close personal relationships with the Editor. Editors are expected to disclose if a conflict arises inadvertently.

  • Members of the editorial board who submit papers receive evaluations from two Editors. Submissions from members of the editorial board cannot receive a positive outcome unless both Editors independently agree to the positive outcome. Members of the editorial board who submit papers do not learn the identity of one of the handling Editors.

Editorial turnaround statistics.  

The RED offers high quality and fast reviews to authors. The table below summarizes our statistics for decisions on first submissions between 06/25/2020 and 11/02/2021:

Average Days to Decision

Fraction of Decisions




Desk Reject






Revise & Resubmit



Our goal is to make the RED one of the most efficient journals in economics, by targeting a roughly two-month average turnaround for papers that pass the desk and by desk rejecting as soon as an initial evaluation is feasible. I would like to sincerely thank our wonderful referees who continue to offer constructive reports to authors in a timely manner.


Loukas Karabarbounis

Coordinating Editor, Review of Economic Dynamics

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